Brenda Small
Visual Artist
7 Jul 2018 - 8 Jul 2018 Glebe Art In Our GArdens and Studio Tour Category: Show/Exhibit Price: Free Event Website:
Glebe Art In Our Gardens and Studio Tour: July 7 - 8, Saturday and Sunday, 10:00 am. - 4:00: pm. There are 20 artists exhibiting and selling their art at 12 sites in the Glebe. Go from site to site to see their work. Chat with the artists. Pick out a favourite piece of art for yourself or a friend. Look around the gardens and studios. Pick up a tour post card at participating stores in the Glebe and the Sunnyside Library. Brochures available at the sites. Check the website for information about the artists and a map of the sites.

I am at site #12, 26 Woodlawn Ave. Look forward to seeing you.